It's working 100%, as you can see in this video. (, 10:09 AM)-=_ Cyber Warrior _='- Wrote: This is a brand new Android RAT (Remote administrator tool) for hacking android smart phones. SPREAD YOUR APK FILE and ENOY! Download link: Rar password: SrbinHackingIsThePassword thanks. All you need to do is: 1.Register a dynamic dns from no-ip or 2.Choose a port (Example: 1337), forward the chosen port (1337) and 1334 (default) so u need to port forward 2 ports! 3.Generate the APK with the chosen port (1337) and ur dynamic dns and other details! FUD version, unlimited connections and free updates €100 LoL €100 Don't forget:) here everything is FREE Download: OR. zip and extract it into skins folder) - Option to select a notify image of each server - Many small improvements and bugfixes - Only €40 for unlimited connections and free updates.

Xtreme Rat 3.5 Cracked Changes: - Added option to Enable or Disable Skins - Added option to change creation date of your servers (Select Hide Server) - Added Firefox version 10 passwords - Option to change groups fixed - New skins added (download skins. With full support to Unicode language, you will never have problem using this software.

This is a tool that allow you to control your computer from anywhere in world. Xtreme RAT 3.6 Private Setup + FUD Crypter To Bypass Antivirus.mp4 - Duration. News on parenting, design, fashion, beauty, food, travel and more.